The Rock River Valley Blood Center and Q98.5 will host a Black Friday Blood Drive on Nov. 29 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Oscar’s Pub & Grill, 5980 E. State St. Donors can make appointments online at or by calling 815-965-8751. Walk-ins will also be welcome.

“We are proud to partner with Q98.5 for this event,” said Lisa Entrikin, Interim CEO at the Rock River Valley Blood Center. “We require a minimum of 700 donors each week to meet the needs of patients at our 10 regional hospitals. That doesn’t change when the holidays roll around, so we encourage you to take time out of the busy holiday activities and shopping and stop by to give blood.”

Q98.5 will broadcast live at the event from noon to 2 p.m. All donors will receive a coupon for half-off a dine-in menu item with the purchase of any drink. We will also be raffling off WM Day Spa gift cards and cupcakes from Sugar Jones.

If you’re a first-time donor, please bring a photo ID. You can donate whole blood every 56 days. It’s safe, it’s simple, and it saves lives!